Next week marks the anniversary of Colorado’s stay-at-home order, which came a couple weeks after our California and Seattle teams closed their offices down, and Covid-19 was officially declared a pandemic. Like everyone, we anticipated a few weeks at home, and left our favorite pens on our desks and snacks in the cupboard.
We cannot forget the lives that have been lost and changed beyond measure, and we are not immune to the impacts of this pandemic. We’ve done what we can to support our communities, our healthcare & frontline workers, and each other through the past year.
A year later, we’ve grown stronger and closer despite the distance from the office. And we’ve learned a lot:
How to use Zoom daily.
How to do dishes daily.
…at the same time daily.
—William Rothacker JrThe importance of the random conversations that occur when everyone is in the office. Whether it’s in the break room or as someone passes by your desk, ideas flow naturally in those conversations that you miss when everyone is working from different locations.
—Ryan BeckmannI hate video conferencing.
I love good headphones.
—Brian WoodIt is easy to offer compassion and patience to others. When a dog starts barking during a meeting, or their child appears in their “office”, it’s easy to give them the time and space they need to get through the situation. Usually, I will need someone to do the same for me soon enough.
—Jeff Parker
Pick up the phone!
Keeping up with interpersonal communication is difficult and takes effort, and it’s easy to just resort to email, which is not very personal.
—Drew WillockOver the years, Cadence has proven that they believe “family is as important as the art of a good deal.” This year, our families have had a chance to give back to Cadence. Our homes have become branch offices, as we have not only worked, but received supplies, calls and visitors on Cadence’s behalf. Our family members have even been called upon as delivery services, delivering and picking up documents and boxes! Cadence and our families have become more united—a good thing!
—Suilvida Ross
I need people🤗
—Lucy Dinneen
Finally, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and we look forward to coming together again. Not in our old high-rise office, but creating a whole new workspace in our new Denver home. We planned our move well before the pandemic, but it feels prescient now – we’re ticking all of the post-pandemic office trends, with a building of our own, no elevators, and a more urban neighborhood. We look forward to creating a whole new set of memories and projects there.
Just forgive us when we keep bringing our dogs to work!